Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Trail Camera Videos From Central Texas!

Here are a few videos I got with our trail cameras from the ranch this past weekend.  The Hog in lightning is pretty cool!  Enjoy!

Nice Little Texas Buck!
Hog in lightning!

Another Nice Little Texas Buck!

Is There any More Room at This Table?

Monday, September 19, 2011

Trail Camera Pictures Are Coming In!

Got two weeks of trail camera pictures back from the deer lease near Abilene, Texas. Got some nice deer, but some other charcters hanging out too.  Aslo got some videos from the same cameras, so i will try and post one or two of those.  Enjoy!

All he needs is a cape and a light breeze!

Who Dat?

The worlds ugliest boar hog, but he comes with targets on him!


A mature 10-point!

Don't believe I have ever seen quail on a taril camera before?

Fight!  Fight! (on left of frame)

The bone yard!  Lots of inches there!

Now its the Ladies' turn to eat!

Since we have a coyote, there is always a road runner not far ahead of him.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Quarterly News Letter Posted!

The Southern Sportsman Aquatics & Land Management Fall 2011 quarterly news letter can be viewed at: http://southernsportsmanaquaticsandland.com/yahoo_site_admin/assets/docs/September_2011_News_Letter.248100924.pdf

We hope you enjoy it.