Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Outdoors Show Tip of the Week

We will be providing an outdoor related tip of the week at outdoorsshow.com.  Tips range from fish and wildlife management to hunting and fishing tips we have found to be very successful.  This weeks tip is for successful catfishing.  Last week's for ridding your property of destructive beavers.  We hope you enjoy them and they start some good conversations on the message board.  Please share your tips with us on the weekly topics, as we are always looking to improve what we do!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Spring Trip Ends

Had a great trip East and returned last week.  Got lots of work done, met with a new client near York, South Carolina.  Saw a baby deer less than a day old in the woods at one of our properties in Central Florida.  I am so sorry to say I did not have the camera and I didn't want to get close enough for a cell phone picture.  The little guy (or girl) was wobbling around until it found a few blades of grass taller than the rest and plopped down to hide.  I got back to Texas and did some aquatic vegetation treatments at Holly Lake Ranch in East Texas with our fish and wildlife technician - Grady.  The mild winter has put us behind before we even started this year on weed treating. 

I was so busy I only got to turkey hunt Georgia one day. I did hear plenty of gobbling at Ochwalkee Creek Plantation, but I wasn't speaking their language, as I didn't see one that morning.

One of our tasks on this last trip was to collect and stock Seminole Killifish into lake Conlin in St Cloud, Florida.  The lake is in need of a forage base for bass, so we are trying something new.  The water chemistry and habitat is what these fish like, so hopefully they will take and repopulate.

We did have one of our Georgia clients report a 1 lbs 1 oz redear sunfish caught from his lake we manage.  That will earn Doe Run Plantation a Southern Sportsman Aquatics & Land Lunker Award issued to landowners that catch or harvest exceptional deer and fish from their property.