Friday, April 2, 2010

Wild Florida Black Bear Sighting

While working in Florida last week on the way back from sampling one afternoon I came across a black bear in the Ocala National Forest. He was trying to get to a deer that had been hit by a car earlier and drag it back to the scrub oak approximately 50 yards from the road. There were already vultures on the deer, but since it was so fresh he really wanted that free meal. When I drove by he backed into the scrub, so I pulled over, assembled the camera and stood at the back of the boat and waited to see if he would come back out - and he did. He would head back into the woods every time a car came by, but he didn't seemed bothered by my truck parked across the road, and didn't notice me standing by the motor. I got a few good pictures. The next morning the deer was gone, so I think he eventually got the deer to the seclusion of the woods.

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