Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Spring Work Trip Finally Over!

Well the four weeks in the field is over. Now back in Texas entering the mountain of data collected and doing a few spray jobs around here between thunderstorms, high winds and the fires that have torched well over a million acres. The last weekend in April we are headed to Abilene, Texas to try and get Josh his first turkey, and my first Rio Grand!

I want to thank all our clients and friends for the hospitality while we were working and in the evenings to help get our minds off work and relax. Yes, even I am tired of electrofishing! It was by far my longest trip, but was enjoyable despite living out of a suitcase for four weeks - we definitely have great clients and friends! I only got to sit in the turkey woods for about 3 hours one morning with the Faver Clan and about an hour at Ochwalkee Creek Plantation. Some of our client's lakes looked so good this spring I had to fish a few of them, even if just for a half hour to take a break. Here are a few pictures from what I saw while working the last two weeks.

Osprey flying by!

Southern fox squirrel!

Heron in a rookery in Northeast Florida!
Pilliated woodpecker flying by!

Canada goose nest in Alabama!
Who brings babies to the storks?

Although viewed as cute by some, this highly destructive beaver was checking us out while we were fishing!
This gobbler was looking for love!

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