Saturday, August 13, 2011

First Full Day in The Books!

Yesterdays four hours was very crowded.  After we shut it down we hit the QDMA Grand Banquet.  We didn't win anything in the raffle nor did we buy anything in the Live auction.  We saw some old friends and made some new ones.  Jeff Foxworthys show was great!  He is really into the outdoors and managing his deer at his farm in Georgia.

Today the show was non-stop until about the last two hours, then it was very thin, but it gave us time to walk around and see what was here.

Tonight we have dinner and a Craig Morgan concert with all the proceeds going to Conservation groups like NWTF, DU, QDMA, RMEF, and a few others.

Steve, Scott and Grady working the booth!

Seriously a pink spreader?

Here is a nice mount at one of the booths.

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