Thursday, March 8, 2012

What's Been Going On?

February was very slow doing mostly tax stuff, equipment maintenance and ordering supplies for the upcoming year.  But some big events did happen in February. 

I was named a Texas DU District Chairman in North Dallas and nearby area.  I will continue to be a Committee Member with the Allen Chapter, although it is not in my district.  Allen DU had a great Sportsman Night Out fund raising event in February and I was lucky enough to win the Grand prize drawing!  Not sure the comittee will allow me to buy any more raffle tickets, as the Browns (Josh too)have done very well at DU and NWTF events with raffle tickets.

I was also named to the Hunt Life Radio and Web Pro Staff.  I will be blogging on a regular basis at about work and outdoor adventures I take in the woods or on the water.  We will also be producing the sindicated Hunt Life Minute with good friend Dave Edwards, which is a minute segement/tip related to hunting, fishing, dog training and fish and wildlife management. Check the local radio stations in your area for aring times or check them out on the web at

And lastly, I was invited to start writing articles for the Wildlife Trends.  The bi-monthly publication contains articles related to fish and wildlife management targeting land owners and bilogists/managers.  It was an honor to be asked to write for them in 2012.  I will be doing articles and producing half of the Managamenet Calendar in the back of each issue.  You can check out past issues and some articles at:

The last couple weeks I was in the field and did manage to get a few wildlife photos - Enjoy!

Some deer in Central Fl;orida taking a mid day nap!

One buck is already growing new antlers while
the other doesn't want to give his up from last year

Mr and Mrs Stork waiting on the stork to deliver babies!

Baby Anhingas.  Not much keeping them from falling into the lake.

Spring turkey season is almost here!

Steve Lopez holds a couple of bass we sampled
on the Middle St Johns River florida

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